Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Social economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social economics - Essay Example Improving the social being is one of the prime concerns of the governments and devotes a lot of interest to achieve economic prosperity. But economic prosperity may not bring improved social well being for all as well being is not directly related to income. The aspects of social capital can act to reduce transaction costs and also encourage behavior and trust. The different sources within the community can be thought of as the origination of social capital. Social capital can operate and emerge in families and educational institutions and also in business and local community. Social capital can have both positive and negative impacts on the society. On the one hand it creates social division and on the other leads to social and economic well being at least for some sections of the society. There are mainly five mechanisms by which social capital can affect the outcomes. A distinction can be made between the formal and informal forms of social capital. Formal social capital refers to patterns of behavior, exchange norms, networks which are formally defined. The networks operating outside this formal system refer to informal social capital. The usefulness of this distinction lies in illustrating the problems arising in operations of social capital. The first kind of social capital can be found in the extent of civil society while the second form can be difficult to find as it requires household surveys. At the national level poverty refers to a country’s lack of resources necessary towards education, health and infrastructure. This may give rise to political unrest. In the developed countries poverty is one of the social problems. Poverty alleviation has been one of the guiding principles for most of the governments. The role of economic growth and development in creating employment avenues has clearly been recognized. Some specific sectors have been chosen by most administrations and growth oriented approach has been undertaken.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Judicial Activism Essay Example for Free

Judicial Activism Essay It is perhaps unsurprising that the liberal court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren from 1953 to 1969 invalidated federal, state and local laws at almost twice the rate of the Roberts court. But the more conservative court that followed, led by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger from 1969 to 1986, was even more activist, striking down laws in almost 9 percent of its cases, compared with just over 7 percent in the Warren court and just 4 percent in the Roberts court. The court led by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist from 1986 to 2005 was also more activist than the current one, at 6.4 percent. In a new book, â€Å"Terms of Engagement,† Clark M. Neily III of the Institute for Justice, a libertarian group, calculated that the Supreme Court struck down just 103 of the 15,817 laws enacted by Congress in the half-century ending in 2002. â€Å"It is implausible,† he wrote, â€Å"to suppose the federal government hits the constitutional strike zone 99.5 percent of the time.† Mr. Neily urged the Supreme Court to be more active but rejected the phrase â€Å"judicial activism.† After the Supreme Court argument in the case in the spring of 2012, with things looking grim for the fate of his law, Mr. Obama tried to shift the terms of the discussion back to activism. â€Å"I’d just remind conservative commentators,† he said, â€Å"that for years what we’ve heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint — that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law.† Three months after Mr. Obama’s remarks, Chief Justice Roberts broke with his usual conservative allies and voted with the court’s four liberals to uphold the law. In a joint dissent, the four conservatives said the majority was wrong to portray its ruling as â€Å"judicial modesty† when â€Å"it amounts instead to a vast judicial overreaching.† In a recent essay, â€Å"Why We Need More Judicial Activism,† Suzanna Sherry, a law professor at Vanderbilt University, said the Supreme Court had erred more often in sustaining laws than in striking them down. â€Å"Too much of a good thing can be bad,† she wrote, â€Å"and democracy is no exception.† The article’s central claim is based upon political science research showing that the Roberts Court has been more likely to reach â€Å"conservative† decisions than its predecessors. Liptak reports: In its first five years, the Roberts court issued conservative decisions 58 percent of the time. And  in the term ending a year ago, the rate rose to 65 percent, the highest number in any year since at least 1953. The recent shift to the right is modest. And the court’s decisions have hardly been uniformly conservative. The justices have, for instance, limited the use of the death penalty and rejected broad claims of executive power in the government’s efforts to combat terrorism. But scholars who look at overall trends rather than individual decisions say that widely accepted political science data tell an unmistakable story about a notably conservative court. This distinction is important because the data presented by Liptak suggests that the Roberts Court is such a â€Å"conservative minimalist† court. Indeed, it appears to be the most restrained – or least â€Å"activist† (if â€Å"activism† is defined as willingness to overturn federal statutes or prior precedents) – Court since World War II. According to the data presented with the article in this chart, the Warren, Burger and Rehnquist Courts overturned precedents at an average rate of 2.7, 2.8 and 2.4 per term, respectively. The Roberts Court, on the other hand, has only overturned an average of 1.6 precedents per term. The record on striking down laws shows a similar pattern. The Warren, Burger, and Rehnquist Courts struck down an average of 7.9, 12.5, and 8.2 laws per term, whereas the Roberts Court has only invalidated an average of 3 laws per term. Liptak acknowledges this data at the close of his article, but downplays it with his description: â€Å"The Roberts court is finding laws unconstitutional and reversing precedent — two measures of activism — no more often than earlier courts.† So, while the majority of the Roberts Court’s decisions are â€Å"conservative,† the data Liptak summarizes does not appear to have resulted in a more â€Å"conservative† legal regime, as the Roberts Court has done relatively little to change the law (at least thus far) compared to its predecessors. This is important, because it effectively refutes claims that there is anything particularly radical or â€Å"activist† about the Roberts Court, even if one accepts that it is notably â€Å"conservative.† There is no evidence as yet that the Roberts Court is as willing to challenge federal power as the Court was under Burger (National League of Cities v. Usery) or Rehnquist (Lopez, Morrison, Boerne). There are exceptions, such as some of the Court’s Miranda decisions – which have certainly made the law less protective of criminal suspects and defendants – and Citizens United, but these exceptions are balanced by aggressive liberal opinions in areas like executive power and the death penalty. In sum, even if most of the Roberts Court’s decisions are â€Å"conservative† a substantive analysis of the Roberts Court’s decisions does not reveal a significant rightward shift in the law.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper and The Chrysanthemums -- Comparative, Allen, St

Restraints are set by parents on their children to aid with the developmental process and help with the maturity level. Restrictions and the ability to control exist in our society and our lives. We encounter restraints daily: job, doors, people, and the most frequently used and arduous become intangible. In the following stories tangible and intangible scenarios are presented. Autonomy, desires, and talents spurned by the husbands in John Steinbeck’s â€Å"The Chrysanthemums and Charlotte Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.† The authors share views regarding a similar theme of male domination and imprisonment. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† involves the treatment of a depressed woman who is driven insane in a male imposed detention in her own room. On the other hand, Elisa Allen in the â€Å"The Chrysanthemums† struggles internally to find her place in a fully male dominated society with definite gender roles. The mirror-like situations bring upon a different reaction for both the women in different ways. The importance of symbolism, control from their husbands, and the lack of a healthy marriage will be discussed in this paper in two stories. Elisa Allen and the narrator of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† are both trapped in various ways and the sexuality leads to this entrapment. Elisa feels confined and limited; â€Å"the high grey-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world† (226). Trapped inside the house and feels isolated from the world outside. The chrysanthemums symbolize her scope of life where she devotes most of her time with this activity. The chrysanthemums, strong and thriving, portray Elisa’s current physical condition. She treats the chrysanthemums like her children; â€Å"she held the flower po... ...e husbands possess a male ego of power that leads to lack of understanding in their marriages. The wallpaper symbolizes the trapped narrator and the structure of the tradition. Also, Elisa’s chrysanthemums are discarded and the narrator’s feelings are disowned which portrays the rejection of women. Elisa ends up â€Å"crying weakly like an old woman† and settles for wine (233). The narrator’s actions lead to her husband fainting â€Å"but he did, and right across my path by the wall, so that I had to creep over him every time† (447). The narrator is insane and causes faintness in her husband, hoping that she now has an escape. To conclude, John Steinbecks â€Å"The Chrysanthemums† and Charloette Perkins â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† show two different outcomes mainly arisen due to being trapped inside an isolated house or a garden and having a limited life under a husband's control.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jack Kevorkian Essay -- essays research papers fc

After talks with her husband, sons, minister, and local doctors; Janet Adkins decided she didn ¹t want to undergo the sustained mental deterioration that Alzheimer ¹s Disease caused (Uhlman 111). She began to realize she had the disease when she started forgetting songs and failed to recognize notes as she played the piano (Filene 188).  ³She read in Newsweek about Dr. Jack Kevorkian and his Å’Mercitron ¹ machine, then saw him on the Å’Donahue ¹ Television show ² (Filene 188). With her husband ¹s consent but objections by sons and doctors, she telephoned him to arrange to kill herself (Filene 188). She still had a life expectancy of at least ten years with the illness, but she wished to die. She wanted to die before the disease robbed her of her competence (Larson 229). Kevorkian later killed Adkins and faced the consequences boldly (Hendin,  ³Suicide in America ² 247). The background, process, and effects of Dr. Kevorkian ¹s questionable first patient, Jane t Adkins, have a very detailed story in them. Janet Adkins led a very productive life up to and even after she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer ¹s, but she couldn ¹t handle losing control of her brain (Filene 188). She was 54 years old and lived in a wealthy Oregon suburb with her stock broker husband, Ron. She was also the mother of three sons, taught English and piano, went hang gliding, trekked in Nepal, climbed Mount Hood, and generally behaved with a lot of energy (Gutmann 20). She and her husband were longtime Hemlock society members, which advocates Euthanasia in some cases (Betzold 22).  ³Doctors at a Portland hospital told her that eventually she would be dependent on her husband for feeding and bathing ² (Gutmann 21). She did not want to take her own life in case she messed it up, and her own doctors wouldn ¹t help her (Hendin ,  ³Seduced by Death ² 132). Though she was still able to carry on clear conversations and demolish her son at tennis; her husband explained that if she was going to go, she ¹d probably want to go to soon rather than to late (Gutmann 21). After hearing about Kevorkian, Ron Adkins contacted him to employ his services (Wolfson 56). Her husband complained to Dr. Kevorkian that he had to remind her of the times of her tennis lessons, and that she kept leaving her purse in the house. After the brief conversation, Kevorkian agreed to meet with her (Gutmann 20).  ³Dr. Kevorkian was a ret... ...termining how ill she was. Also the method of which he carried out the suicide raised questions (Hendin,  ³Seduced by Death ² 130). Among supporters of Euthanasia he became something of an antiestablishment here (Larson 230). This was the first of over a hundred assisted suicides that he would perform (Uhlman 111). Works Cited Betzold, Michael.  ³The Selling of Doctor Death. ² New Republic 26 May 1997: 22-28. Fessenden, Ford.  ³Matters of Life and Death. ² Newsday 10 June 1995: 7. Filene, Peter. In the Arms of Others. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1998. Gutmann, Stephanie.  ³Death and the Maiden. ² New Republic 24 June 1996: 20-22. Hamel, Robert. Must We Suffer Our Way to Death. Texas: Southern Methodist Press, 1996. Hendin, Herbert. Seduced by Death. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1997. Hendin, Herbert. Suicide in America. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1995. Larson, Edward. A Different Death. Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1998. Uhlman, Michael. Last Rights. Washington D.C.: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1998. Wolfson, Adam.  ³Killing of the Dying. ² The Public Interest Spring 1998: 56.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A New Approach to Portfolio Matrix Analysis for Marketing Planning

A NEW APPROACH TO PORTFOLIO MATRIX ANALYSIS FOR STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING 1 2 Vladimir Dobric , Boris Delibasic Faculty of organizational science, [email  protected] rs 2 Faculty of organizational science, delibasic. [email  protected] rs 1 Abstract: Portfolio matrix is probably the most important tool for strategic marketing planning, especially in the strategy selection stage. Position of the organization in the portfolio matrix and it’s corresponding marketing strategy depends on the aggregation of values of relevant strategic factors. Traditional approach to portfolio matrix analysis uses averaging function as an aggregation operator.This approach is very limited in realistic business environment characterized by complex relations between strategic factors. An innovative approach to portfolio matrix analysis, presented in this paper, can be used to express complex interaction between strategic factors. The new approach is based on the logical aggregation operator, a generalized aggregation operator from which other aggregation operators can be obtained as special cases. Example of traditional approach to portfolio matrix analysis given in this paper clearly shows it’s inherited limitations.The new approach applied to the same example eliminates weaknesses of traditional one and facilitates strategic marketing planning in realistic business environment. Key words: Portfolio matrix analysis, strategic marketing planning, logical aggregation, aggregation operator. 1. INTRODUCTION The portfolio matrix analysis is widely used in strategic management [2, 3, 6]. It offers a view of the position of the organization in its environment and suggests generic strategies for the future. Some of the most frequently used portfolio matrices are the ADL (developed by Arthur D.Little), the BCG (Boston Consulting Group) and the GE (General Electric) McKinsey matrix. Other models that can be considered as versions or adaptations of the original GE McKinsey matrix are the Shell directional policy matrix and McDonald’s directional policy matrix (DPM) that is used in this paper. The application of any of these portfolio matrices can be, roughly, divided into two stages: the first stage, which includes the analysis of the business position of the organization, and the second stage in which the strategies that should be used in future are recommended based on the estimated position.The difference between aforementioned matrices lies in number and meaning of factors used in the analysis process as well as in the number and generality of recommended strategies. It is common for all the portfolio matrices that the position of the organization in a portfolio matrix is based on estimated values of two factors: the one describing external environment (market attractiveness in DPM) and the other describing inner characteristics of the organization compared to the major competitors (business strengths/position in DPM).On the basis of portfo lio matrix analysis , a generic marketing strategy is recommended based on an organization’s position in the portfolio matrix. In the portfolio matrix analysis, values of two factors describing external and internal environment are estimated as aggregations of values of strategic factors influencing respective environment. The choice of the most adequate aggregation functions depends on the condition in which organization operates, i. e. an aggregation functions describing external and internal environment should have a behaviour which models organization’s external and internal environment conditions respectively.In the traditional approach to portfolio matrix analysis, weighted arithmetic mean is commonly used as an aggregation function. This aggregation operator describes an averaging behaviour, thus, it can be used to model business environment in which high and low values of strategic factors average each other. In the realistic business environment strategic fact ors can interact in a more complex way, i. e. they can average each other, reinforce or weaken each other (disjunctive or conjunctive behaviour), or exhibit various forms of mixed interactions [2, 3, 6].It is clear that the use of weighted arithmetic mean as an aggregation operator can’t express all the possible interactions between strategic factors that exist in a realistic business environment. This explains why the traditional approach to portfolio matrix analysis is highly limited, with the inherited weaknesses that can’t be overcome without substantial modification. Therefore, under previous conditions, it is obvious that a new approach to portfolio matrix analysis is needed.This new approach must take in consideration all the possible forms of interactions between strategic factors that can occur in a realistic business environment. These interactions can be expressed with a logical aggregation operator, so a new approach to portfolio matrix analysis can be base d on this operator. W eighted arithmetic mean and other known aggregation operators are just, as we will see in the following sections, special cases of logical aggregation operator. 2. THE MCDONALD’S DIRECTIONAL POLICY MATRIX (DPM)Although the DPM, like other models of portfolio matrices, attempts to define an organization’s strategic position and strategy alternatives, this objective can’t be met without considering what is meant by the term „organizationâ€Å". The accepted level at which an organization can be analysed using the DPM is that of the „strategic business unitâ€Å". The most common definition of an SBU is as follows [3]: (1) It will have common segments and competitors for most of the products; (2) It will be a competitor in an external market; (3) It is a discrete, separate and identifiable „unitâ€Å"; 4) Its manager will have control over most of the areas critical to success. DPM has two dimensions each built up from a n umber of factors: (1) Market attractiveness and (2) Business strengths/position. Using these factors, and some scheme for weighting them according to their importance, strategic business units are classified into one of nine cells in a 3 X3 matrix. Each cell is connected to a generic strategy recommended by the DPM. Factors used to form aggregated dimensions of DPM vary according to concrete circumstances in which SBU operates. Notice that previous explanations taken rom [3] suggest weighted arithmetic mean as an aggregation operator, thus, traditional approach to DPM analysis only considers a case of averaging behaviour between strategic factors. That is only one of the possible interactions between strategic factors that can occur in realistic business environment. Other possible interactions like conjunction, disjunction or mixed interaction can’ t be modelled by using weighted sum of factors as an aggregation operator. Definitions of market attractiveness and business str engths/positions dimensions are g iven in [3].Market attractiveness is a measure of the marketplace potential to yield growth in sales and profits. It is important to highlight the need for an objective assessment of market attractiveness using data from the organization’s external environment. The criteria themselves will, of course, be determined by the organization carrying out the exercise and will be relevant to the objectives the organization is trying to achieve, but they should be independent of the organization’s position in its m arkets [3]. Business strengths/position is a measure of organization’s actual strengths in the marketplace (i. . the degree to which it can take advantage of a market opportunity). Thus, it is an objective assessment of an organization’s ability to satisfy market needs relative to competitors. DPM, together with generic marketing strategy options is shown in Picture 1. Picture 1: Directional policy matrix 3. TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO DIRECTIONAL POLICY MATRIX ANALYSIS In this section, traditional approach to DPM analysis using simple example will be presented, highlighting it’s inherited limitations originating from using non-adequate aggregation functions.Tables 1 and 2 are slight modification of tables that are used in DPM analysis example in [3] on pages 202 and 203, where market attractiveness and business strengths/position are evaluated by using weights and scores of relevant strategic factors. The only modification applied on tables in [3] is the normalization of weights, scores and corresponding evaluations to [0, 1] interval. This is done with simple transformation, which is covered in the following sections. Table 1: Market attractiveness evaluation Strategic factor (Fi) Score (si) Total (M) 0. 25 0. 25 0. 5 0. 15 0. 1 0. 1 1. Growth 2. Profitability 3. Size 4. Vulnerability 5. Competition 6. Cyclicality W eight (wi) 0. 6 0. 9 0. 6 0. 5 0. 8 0. 25 0. 15 0. 225 0. 09 0. 075 0. 08 0. 25 Total 1 0. 645 Table 2: Business strengths/position evaluation Strategic factor (Fi) 7. Price 8. Product 9. Service 10. Image Total W eight (wi) 0. 5 0. 25 0. 15 0. 1 1 You company Competitor A Competitor C Score (si) Total (B) Score Total (A) Score Total (C) 0. 5 0. 6 0. 8 0. 6 0. 25 0. 15 0. 12 0. 06 0. 6 0. 8 0. 4 0. 5 0. 3 0. 2 0. 06 0. 05 0. 4 1 0. 6 0. 3 0. 2 0. 25 0. 09 0. 03 . 58 0. 61 0. 57 Market attractiveness (M) and business strengths/position (B) are evaluated using weighted arithmetic mean as an aggregation function of scores {s1, †¦, s6} and {s7, †¦, s10} given for relevant strategic factors {F1, †¦, F10} using weights {w1, †¦, w10}: M = w1 s1 + w2 s2 + w3 s3 + w4 s4 + w5 s5 + w6 s6 = 0. 645 (1) B = w7 s7 + w8 s8 + w9 s9 + w10 s10 = 0. 58 (2) The same equations can be given in matrix form: M = W M SM (3) B = W B SB (4) where M and B are market attractiveness and business strengths/position evaluation respectively, W M = [w1, T , w6] and SM = [s 1, †¦, s6] are weighting and scoring vectors for market attractiveness strategic factors , T and W B = [w7, †¦, w10] and SB = [s7, †¦, s10] are weighting and scoring vectors for business strengths/position strategic factors. Notice that the exact position of the organization on the DPM is not given with business strengths/position value (B), but the relative business strengths/position value (BR), since business strengths/position is actually a measure of organizational abilities (B) (internal environment) relative to the competitors (i. e. respective abilities of market leader) [3].In our example market leader is Competitor A (from Table 2), thus, organization’s relative business strengths/position value (BR) is calculated as: BR = B/A (5) Relative business strengths/position value (BR) is then plotted on the horizontal axis of the DPM using a logarithmic scale [3]. These explanations are not of importance for the domain of our investigation, so no futher cons iderations regarding relative business strengths/position value (BR) and DPM plotting are given. In the rest of this paper, the only consideration will be given to market attractiveness (M) and business strengths/position (B) evaluation.W eighted arithmetic mean used for an aggregation function assumes that the interactions between strategic factors show averaging behavior, i. e. it is used to model business environment in which values of strategic factors average each other. This is the mayor drawback of traditional DPM analysis. Realistic business environment demands more modelling power for more complex factors interactions. Besides averaging, strategic factors can reinforce or weaken each other (disjunctive or conjunctive behaviour respectively), or exhibit various forms of interactions which are neither strictly averaging, conjunctive or disjunctive, but mixed, i. . aggregation function exhibits different behaviour on different parts of the domain (mixed behaviour). Under these circumstances, it is obvious that a new approach to portfolio matrix analysis demands an usage of different aggregation operator, the one capable of modelling all the possible interactions between strategic factors that can take place in a realistic business environment. The paper presents an approach to portfolio matrix analysis, using logical aggregation operator, which eliminates weaknesses of traditional one. If we return to ur example shown in Tables 1 and 2, we can restate possible business external and internal environment conditions in the following way: 1) It is possible that interactions between market attractiveness or business strengths/position strategic factors show averaging behaviour, i. e. scores {s1, †¦, s6} or {s7, †¦, s10} given to strategic factors {F1, †¦, F10} can average each other using weights {w1, †¦, w10}. In this case market attractiveness and business strengths/position are evaluated as shown in equations (1) and (2) , or in their m atrix equivalents (3) and (4). ) It is possible that interactions between market attractiveness or business strengths/position strategic factors show conjunctive behaviour, i. e. scores {s1, †¦, s6} or {s7, †¦,s10} given to strategic factors {F1, †¦, F10} can weaken each other. In this case market attractiveness and business strengths/position evaluation depends upon the lowest score among the relevant factors: M = min(s1, †¦, s6) (6) B = min(s7, †¦, s10) (7) 3) It is possible that interactions between market attractiveness or business strengths/position strategic factors show disjunctive behaviour, i. e. cores { s1, †¦, s6} or {s7, †¦, s10} given to strategic factors {F1, †¦, F10} can reinforce each other. In this case market attractiveness and business strengths/position evaluation depends upon the highest score among the relevant factors: M = max(s1, †¦, s6) (8) B = max(s7, †¦, s10) (9) 4) It is possible that interactions between market attractiveness or business strengths/position strategic factors show mixed behaviour. For example, scores {s1, †¦,s6} or {s7, †¦,s10} given to strategic factors {F1, †¦, F10} can average, reinforce and weaken each other depending on their values.Thus, the aggregation function can be conjunctive for low scores, disjunctive for high scores, and perhaps averaging when some scores are high and some are low (different behaviour of aggregation function on different parts of the domain). Example for this kind of aggregation function’s behaviour will be given in the following sections. Logical aggregation operator can express all previous types of interactions, so it naturally imposes itself as a replacement to weighted arithmetic mean aggregation operator in the new approach to portfolio matrix analysis.Notice that interactions between strategic factors from organization’s external environment (market attractiveness factors) and those from organizationâ €™s internal environment ( business strengths/position factors) are not recognized in traditional approach to DPM analysis [3]. If those interactions can be recognized, they can easily be integrated into the model in the new approach. In the following section basic theory of logical aggregation will be briefly examined. After examining the theory, a simple example of new approach to portfolio matrix analysis using Tables 1 and 2 will be presented. . LOGICAL AGGREGATION Aggregation functions are functions with special properties. The purpose of aggregation functions (they are also called aggregation operators, both terms are used interchangeably in the existing literature) is to combine inputs and produce output, where the inputs are typically interpreted as degrees of preference, strength of evidence or support of hypothesis [1]. If we consider a finite set of inputs I = {i1, †¦, in}, we can aggregate them into single representative value by using infinitely many aggregatio n functions.They are grouped in various families such as means, triangular norms and conor ms, Choquet and Sugeno integral, uninorms and nullnorms, and many others [1]. The question arises how to chose the most suitable aggregation function for a specific application. This question can be answered by choosing logical aggregation function – a generalized aggregation operator that can be reduced to any other known one. Logical aggregation is an aggregation method that combines inputs and produces output using logical aggregation operator [4, 5].In a general case logical aggregation is carrried out in two distinct steps: 1) Normalization of input values which results in a generalized logical and/or [0, 1] value of analyzed input ij: ? ? ? : I > [0, 1] (10) 2) Aggregation of normalized values of inputs into resulting globaly representative value with a logical aggregation operator: n Aggr: [0, 1] > [0, 1] (11) The first step explains the reason for modification of tables from [3] in previous section, in order to obtain Tables 1 and 2 with normalized values of strategic factors’ scores on which logical aggregation operator can be applied.Operator of logical aggregation in a general case (Aggr ) is a pseudo-logical function ( ), a linear convex combination of generalized Boolean polynomials ( ) [4, 5]: Aggr (? i1? , †¦ , ? in? ) = (? i1? , †¦ , ? in? ) = ? wj? j? (? i1? , †¦ , ? in? ) (12) where (? ) is a generalized product operator and (? ) is an aggregation measure as defined in [4, 5]. Generalized Boolean polynomial is a value realization of Boolean logical function ?. Boolean logical function is an element of Boolean algebra of inputs ? (i1, †¦ , in) ?BA(I), to which corresponds uniquely a generalized Boolean polynomial (? i1? , †¦ , ? in? ) as it’s value: : [0, 1] > [0, 1] n (13) Logical aggregation operator depends on the chosen measure of aggregation (? ) and operator of generalized product (? ). By a corresp onding choice of the measure of aggregation (? ) and generalized product (? ) the known aggregation operators can be obtained as special cases [4, 5], e. g. for additive aggregation measure (? := ? add) and generalized product (? := min) logical aggregation operator reduces to weighted arithmetic mean: Aggradd in (? i1? , †¦ , ? in? ) = ? wj (? ij? ) (14) After considering basic theory of logical aggregation, we can return to the domain of our investigation. In the following section the new approach to portfolio matrix analysis will be presented thoroughly using the same data from Tables 1 and 2. 5. A NEW APPROACH TO PORTFOLIO MATRIX ANALYSIS If we consider again Tables 1 and 2, and four cases of possible business environment conditions as defined in Section 3, we can design new aggregation functions that model all the aforementi oned conditions using logical aggregation operator.In this section an example to all four types of strategic factors interactions will be given, toget her with logical functions modeling them. A starting point for the new approach to portfolio matrix anal ysis is a finite set of strategic factors F = {F1, †¦ , F10} and a Boolean algebra BA(F), defined over it. The task of logical aggregation in DPM analysis is the fusion of strategic factors’ scores into resulting market attractiveness and business strengths/position values using logical tools. Logical aggregation has two steps: (1) Normalization of strategic factors’ scores (score Sj corresponds to factor Fj as its predefined value): ? ? : Sj > [0, 1] (15) that results in a logical and/or score sj ? [0, 1] of analyzed strategic factor Fj (j = 1.. |F|). Normalization of scores in S is done with simple transformation. In the original tables in [3], score (Sj) of strategic factor (Fj) belongs to interval [0.. 10], e. g. Strategic factor Growth (F1) has score S1 = 6 in the original table in [3]. The normalized score (s1) for this factor (F1) is given in Table 1 wit h the following equation: s1 = 6/10 = 0. 6 (16) The same transformation is applied to the rest of the strategic factors in tables in [3], resulting in Tables 1 and 2. 2) Aggregation of normalized scores {s1, †¦ , s6} and {s7, †¦ , s10} of factors {F1, †¦ , F10} into resulting market attractiveness (M) and business strengths/position (B) values with a logical aggregation operator: M = Aggr (s1, †¦ , s6) (17) B = Aggr (s7, †¦ , s10) (18) Aggregation of scores {s1, †¦ , s6} and {s7, †¦ , s10} for strategic factors {F1, †¦ , F10} is accomplished using generalized Boolean polynomials (? M? ) and (? B? ): Aggr (s1, †¦ , s6) = ? M? (s1, †¦ , s6) = [? M(F1, †¦ , F6)]? (19) Aggr (s7, †¦ , s10) = ? B? (s7, †¦ s10) = [? B(F7, †¦ , F10)]? (20) Generalized Boolean polynomials ? M? (s1, †¦ , s6) and ? B? (s7, †¦ , s10) are value realizations of Boolean logical functions ? M(F1, †¦ , F6) and ? B(F7, †¦ , F10) , which belong to Boolean algebra of strategic factors BA(F). Notice that interactions between strategic factors from organization’s external environment (market attractiveness factors) and those from organization’s internal environment (business strengths/position factors) are not stated in [3]. If they exist, they can easily be integrated into the model.Adequate generalized product operator (? ) in the domain of portfolio matrix analysis is min operator (? := min). If we return to the possible business environment conditions stated in Section 3, we can formulate logical functions to express corresponding types of interactions between the strategic factors: 1) If the interactions between market attractiveness or business strengths/position strategic factors show averaging behaviour, then the new approach to portfolio matrix analysis reduces to traditional one, as stated in equations (1) and (2), or matrix equivalents (3) and (4). ) If the interactions between market a ttractiveness or business strengths/position strategic factors show conjunctive behaviour, they are expressed in the following way: ? M = F1 ? F2 ? F3 ? F4 ? F5 ? F6 (21) ?B = F7 ? F8 ? F9 ? F10 (22) Market attractiveness and business strengths/position evaluation are given with corresponding generalized Boolean polynomial (? := and, ? := min): M = Aggrand (s1, †¦ , s6) = ? M min B = Aggrand min = [F1 ? F2 ? F3 ? F4 ? F5 ? F6] min (s7, †¦ , s10) = ? B min min = [F7 ? F8 ? F9 ? F10] min(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6) = 0. 25 (23) min (24) = min(s7, s8, s9, s10) = 0. 5 3) If the interactions between market attractiveness or business strengths/position strategic factors show disjunctive behaviour, they are expressed in the following way: ? M = F1 ? F2 ? F3 ? F4 ? F5 ? F6 (25) ?B = F7 ? F8 ? F9 ? F10 (26) Market attractiveness and business strengths/position evaluation are given with corresponding generalized Boolean polynomial (? := or, ? := min): M = Aggror (s1, †¦ , s6) = ? M min min = [F1 ? F2 ? F3 ? F4 ? F5 ? F6] min max(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6) = 0. 9 (27) B = Aggror (s7, †¦ , s10) = ? B min min = [F7 ? F8 ? F9 ? F10] min = max(s7, s8, s9, s10) = 0. 8 (28) 4) If the interactions between market attractiveness or business strengths/position strategic factors show mixed behaviour (aggregation function exhibits different behaviour on different parts of the domain), they can be modelled with the following logical functions, e. g. realistic external and internal business environment, where strategic factors show mixed behaviour, can be modelled as: ?If the external environment conditions are that profitabilty (F2), size (F3) and cyclicality (F6) are important, but if the profitability (F2) is not high enough, growth (F1), vulnerability (F4) and competition (F5) are important, we can write the following expression: ?M = (F2 ? F3 ? F6) ? (c(F2) ? F1 ? F4 ? F5) (29) ? If the internal environment conditions are that price (F7) and product (F8) are importan t, but if the price (F7) and product (F8) are not competitive, service (F9) and image (F10) are important, we can write the following expression: ?B = (F7 ? F8) ? (c(F7 ? F8) ?F9 ? F10) (30) Market attractiveness and business strengths/position evaluation, for organization’s external and internal environment conditions respectively, are given with corresponding generalized Boolean polynomial (? := min): M = Aggr? (s1, †¦ , s6) = ? M = [(F2 ? F3 ? F6) ? (c(F2) ? F1 ? F4 ? F5)] = = s2 ? s3 ? s6 + (1 – s2) ? s1 ? s4 ? s5 – s2 ? s3 ? s6 ? (1 – s2) ? s1 ? s4 ? s5 = 0. 25 (31) B = Aggr? (s7, †¦ , s10) = ? B = [(F7 ? F8) ? (c(F7 ? F8) ? F9 ? F10)] = = s7 ? s8 + (1 – (s7 ? s8)) ? s9 ? s10 – s7 ? s8 ? (1 – (s7 ? s8)) ? s9 ? s10 = 0. 6 (32) min min min min min minRemember that when plotting the DPM, the exact position of the organization on the business strengths/position axis (horizontal) is calculated using relative business strengt hs/position value (BR) and logarithmic scale (see equation (5)), for all aforementioned types of strategic factors interactions . 5. CONCLUSION Traditional approach to portfolio matrix analysis uses weighted arithmetic mean as an aggregation function, thus, it can only be used to model business environment in which strategic factors’ interactions show averaging behavior. This is only one of the four cases of realistic business environment conditions, i. . strategic factors’ interactions showing conjunction, disjunction or mixed behavior are not covered in the traditional approach. The new approach uses generalized aggregation function – operator of logical aggregation. This operator can model all the possible business environment conditions – types of interactions between the strategic factors. This paper shows that traditional approach to portfolio matrix analysis is just a special case of the new one, since the weighted arithmetic mean is actually a spe cial case of logical aggregation operator.Usage of logical aggregation operator in the new approach clearly improves the traditional one, allowing more modeling power for complex relations among the strategic factors. Since the new approach to portfolio matrix analysis covers all four types of strategic factors’ interactions, it facilitates strategic marketing planning in a realistic business environment. 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Beliakov G. , Pradera A. , Calvo T. , Aggregation functions: A guide for practitioners , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heilderberg, 2007. [2] Leibold M. Probst G. J. B. , Gibbert M. , Strategic Management in the Knowledge Economy†, Wiley VCH, 2005. [3] McDonald Malcolm, Marketing Plans (fourth edition), Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. [4] Radojevic D. , â€Å"Logical aggregation based on interpolative Boolean algebraâ€Å", Mathware & Soft Computing, 15 (2008) 125 -141. [5] Radojevic D. , â€Å"(0,1) – valued logic: A natural generalization of Bool ean logicâ€Å", Yugoslav Journal of operational Research, 10 (2000) 185 – 216. [6] Roney C. W. , Strategic Management Methodology, Praeger Publishers, 2004.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

the end of man essays

the end of man essays In Letranger, an existentialist novel written by Albert Camus, the reader begins to discover that women are treated abusively or poorly. The main character in Letranger, Meursault, views women as lesser than men; which ultimately conveys how women were thought of in Africa for that time period. In the second chapter, the reader first begins to get an idea of Meursault character, and his feelings towards women. After swimming with Marie Cordona, who once worked as a typist at Meursault office, he invites her to the cinema. This is very inappropriate, as his mother had died only a few days earlier. During the film, Meursault proceeds to fondle Maries breasts, and eventually kisses her. Shortly after the movie, Marie comes with Meursault back to his flat. This shows that Meursault thinks that women are merely in his life for pleasure; and no greater meaning such as love. On page 38, Marie asks if Meursault loves her; and he simply told her that it didnt mean anything, but he didnt thin k so. This emphasizes how Meursault does not believe in love, and does not like Marie for anything but a physical relationship, and possibly and as something to do. The way in which Meursault feels about women is not uncommon for this time period, as there were much more important things in life such as holding down a job and a daily routine than things such as loving someone. Most men in Algiers at this time only lived their lives, and did not think that women could be anything greater than an object or for physical reasons. Another example of how Meursault does not consider women as equals, but as lesser people, is when Marie asks if Meursault wanted to marry her. Meursault responds by saying that didnt mind and that they could if she wanted to. She then goes on to ask if he loves her and again he says that it didnt mean anything, but he probably didnt. Marie also said that marriage is a serious matter, but Meursa...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Washington Irving essays

Washington Irving essays Washington Irving is one of the most memorable writers in history for his many works. To learn more about Washington Irving these are three most important points of this author, historical background, work, and his last years as a famous writer. To begin is the historical background of Washington Irving life which begins on April 3,1783 at the end of the Revolutionary War which was the day he was born. ("Resources for Educators" 1) He was born to a big family that included his father, a wealthy merchant, and also his mother who was an English woman who was as well the granddaughter of a clergyman. Irving was the youngest of 11 children, yet it is not stated how many brothers or sisters he had. When Washington Irving was born the hero of the United States George Washington saw Irving and gave his blessing to him and his family. Washington Irving was born and raised in New York City. When Irving went to school he was one of the most influential of all students, so he enrolled himself in law school instead of following his elder brothers to the nearby Columbia College. He later had met his fianc Matilda Hoffman, yet sadly he never had the chance to marry her because she passed away in 1809 with tuberculoses at the age of seve nteen. (American Authors 1) At the age of nineteen Irving began his writing for a newspaper The Morning Chronicle that started his career in writing. When Irving returned from his tour of France and Italy, he followed his brother William Irving and J. K. Paulding in publishing Salmagundi. ("Irving Washington" 141) The critics said that the book was a whimsical essay, which mirrored the rise and fall of New York. It was his opinion on social life, books, theatres, and politics. ("Washington Irving-Biography" 1) When Irving started writing his books he started using pen names to make it seem like the person in the story was the one that wrote the book. One name that he used was Diedrich Knickerboc ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Discuss the role of Marketing and the Marketing department Essay Example

Discuss the role of Marketing and the Marketing department Essay Example Discuss the role of Marketing and the Marketing department Essay Discuss the role of Marketing and the Marketing department Essay What is marketing? There are many definitions to what marketing is, of which one is Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and events to create and maintain relationships that will satisfy individual and organizational objectives.Marketing is therefore much more than just advertising selling. The marketing concept requires commitment to customers satisfaction, by providing what they want and need..Within market research, there are two types of researches used. There is primary and secondary research. Primary research is gathering information from the consumer directly. Research can be done in various type of questionnaires i.e. telephone, internet and face-to-face. A supermarket as tescos conducts face-to-face questionnaire when customers come into the store and those of who have joined the club card get sent email questionnaires. Whereas secondary information is using external companies information already gathered, although theres a drawback which is that the research can be old hence not reliable.What the customer needs and wants is found out in market research, it then goes to the marketing mix. Marketing mix includes product, price, place and promotion, formally known as the 4Ps which are key concepts in marketing. These are a very important part of every firms marketing strategy and are also interlinked with some aspects of market research.The product/service is what the company is selling or offering to a market for use or consumption. The product could be tescos selling its own brand bread or service could be tescos car insurance. Tescos, as the leading supermarket in UK, offers a large variety of products, from household goods as groceries and toiletries, to furniture, finance and insurance.Tescos has launched Green products in which it offers healthy eating, including fruits and vegetables at lower prices. It also has clear labelling to provide customers with nutritional information e.g. guidelines for daily amounts.Pricing is a key element in a firms success the reason being that firms have to price in accordance to the market and to what the customers are willing to pay. The loss of revenue is important because if the production costs are high and the company isnt selling the product it will lose revenue.Tescos is known as the cheapest but good quality service around. It has a price check in which majority of its products are cheaper then its competitors, also allows its customer to see products and its prices compared to its competitors which is independently collected.The real success to Tescos is in its efforts in promotion. Promoting is communicating with the potential customers and trying to persuade them to buy their product. Tescos reaches its potential customers through television, newspaper and the internet. Tescos club card is a type of marketing promotion. It gives the customer the opportunity to earn points e very time they go shopping at Tescos. In return they can spend their collected points on reducing their shopping bill or receive vouchers for hotels etc. Also tescos promotes green products which involve environmental friendly services as re-cycling bags, mobile phones etc and also by promoting healthily eating e.g. buying fruits and vegetables. They have promoted this by offering green club card points which are same as the normal points however more points are offered as it is helping the environment. This is very successful with its public relations as well as its customers.Tescos try to attract customers by having advertisements sent through the post in form of leaflets stating which products are on offer; they send this across by having the offers in big red, bold lettering to grasp the customers attention. Also they try to get customers for the future as children in the sense they have all the kids products on the lower shelves of the supermarket so that they can see them. Als o tescos has delivery service in which they would deliver shopping to customers homes that order online or even in store; this is popular with its customers.Another aspect important to marketing is place. Tescos is the largest chain in the UK and is aiming at the global market. They have stores all around the UK so that their customers dont need to travel miles to go to their local store. Tescos has about 1897 stores including tescos express and extra, also they have hundreds of stores world wide, and planning on opening more stores in USA.Also with online shopping, tescos products and services are available all over the UK and also many other countries worldwide.Overall, marketing is very important for the business. The basic role of marketing is the need and wants of its customers, the marketing concept. With investing in marketing the business can go from strength to strength as they will know what is required by the public and can provide it. Especially in the modern world as th ere is so much available to the public that the marketing department need to react quickly and get up to date. To conclude we can say that every business needs a marketing department to develop and promote their products. Without this they would not be able to supply the customer with its needs and wants. As a business, it needs profit to put into its marketing activities and most importantly its survival. Without the profit and a marketing department it could lead to a businesses downfall.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing Plan for Jos. Fredrick &Sons Research Paper

Marketing Plan for Jos. Fredrick &Sons - Research Paper Example From the targeted $70,000, the marketing system, whose validity will determine the accuracy of the budget, will depend on portfolio planning, i.e. the coordinated planning of the individual services, the 80:20 rule, which makes the plan clear, concise and clear by concentrating on the 20% of services, and on the 20% of the customers to account for 80% of the volume and 80% of the profit, and lastly the 7 P's program that focuses on Product/services, Place, Price and Promotion, Physical environment people and the Marketing Process. Since the three broad services offered by Jos. Fredrick & Sons are the company's pillars, the budget will need to be shared equally and a small portion set aside to oversee the implementation of the marketing plan as follows; The company should maintain the slogan "Our Ability is Your Security", as it is well known by the intended market. However, much more should be done in respect to the wording "leave the repairs and regular maintenance to the pros" into a more eye-catching one such as "the man in town will sort you". This will no doubt go a long way in the company's market positioning as it will instinctively arouse interest in the customers who will want to experience the change that the "new man in town" is out to offer, which could be different from what the company has offered in the last six decades. Such a small change in the wording could mean a lot, and the things that the company would require to do is to inscribe those words in their invoices, paint it in a fancy way on their website, or paint their service vehicles with those words in odd colors that will have a feel of odd works such as plumbing. There should also be some bumper stickers with the Company's name, logo, and the words "the ne w man in town will sort you". The costs for such activities will go to the 10% budget provision as they are aimed at overseeing the success of the plan.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Close Reading Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Close Reading Exercise - Essay Example n a room that was â€Å"well lighted with wax candles†, but where â€Å"no glimpse of daylight was to be seen†, the author was being indicative of the wealthy spinster’s closed-minded, hypocritical and spiteful nature. Much of the furniture in this room was of forms and uses â€Å"then quite unknown to Pip†. Because Pip was a boy with the â€Å"expectations† to become a gentleman. His life had not yet turned around. It’s an illustration that Dickens was extremely careful in the exercise of characterization. It’s in a tone of irony that Pip refers to the â€Å"fine lady† sitting at the dressing-table. His encounter, in fact, was not with a fine lady, but a â€Å"strange† lady, the strangest he had ever seen or he should ever see; a lady with â€Å"no brightness left†, an old desiccated lady more horrifying than â€Å"waxwork† and â€Å"skeleton†. The objects found scattered around in the room in a haphazard manner are once again a subtle indication of Miss Havisham’s complex nature. In an antithesis, Pip clarifies that â€Å"it was not in the first few moments that he saw all these things, though he saw more of them in the first moments†. These were the things that â€Å"ought to be white†, but were once-white, things that had lost their lustre, were faded and yellow. All of them are a grim pointer to Miss Havisham’s unpleasant past. The description of Miss Havisham’s appearance and the watch and the clock that had stopped at twenty minutes to nine have such a hair-raising visual and mental effect on the reader that one can expect it in few horror stories. â€Å"What will be conceded even by the most disputatious reader† is an illustration of such use of the language that requires even a language expert to take a second reading, to be sure. It’s not at all a coincidence if it reminds one of O. Henry’s writing style. When Miss Havisham commands Pip to play, the allusion to Mr. Pumblechook’s chaise-cart, and that he felt himself â€Å"unequal to the

The relationship between geography and culture along the mississippi Essay

The relationship between geography and culture along the mississippi river - Essay Example The river’s drainage basin is great. It can cover a combination of England, Ireland, Wiles, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, France, Germany, Australia, Turkey and Italy. This entire region as wide as it is fertile and so is the Mississippi valley. The Mississippi River has impacted a lot in the way of life of those leaving along its environs. This paper will explore how the river and its geography has affected the cultures of those who live along its banks. The Mississippi river draws its waters from twenty eight states and territories. The water is drawn from Delaware in the Atlantic seaboard and from all states between Delaware and Idaho which found on the pacific slopes. From the Ohio junction to almost half way to the sea, the river’s width is viewed to be almost a mile. The width however diminishes above the mouth. At the junction of Ohio, the river’s depth eighty-seven feet and the depth increases to one hundred and twenty thousand years. Its spread is calculate d to be forty-five degrees longitude. It receives water from fifty four rivers which can be navigated using boats. It also receives from other hundreds of rivers which are navigated using keels and flats. The river grows narrower and deeper towards the mouth. The river has a remarkable difference in its rise and fall in the lower part of the river. The rise is uniform towards Natchez about fifty feet. At Bayou La Fourche it raises by twenty-four feet, fifteen at New Orleans and only two and half at the mouth. Reports have indicated that the river empties around six million tons of mud into Mexico gulf. The deposits of mud gradually extend to the land. The Mississippi river

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assimilation and Multicultural in bilingual education within the Research Paper

Assimilation and Multicultural in bilingual education within the sociopolitical context - Research Paper Example The world is fast becoming a global melting point of people from different cultural, ethical, religious and social backgrounds. Cities around the world are becoming more and more cosmopolitan as the effect of globalization, industrialization, trade; commerce and immigration are being realized. The unprecedented increase in diversity especially in the first world countries has called for tolerance and coexistence. Indeed there has been a raging debate with two contrary opinions on dealing with this issue of diversity. Some people see the assimilation of smaller ethnic groups as a way of creating uniformity and cohesiveness. This is especially an issue in the USA where diversity is perhaps the most widespread. Proponents backing this ideology of assimilation are of the view that smaller ethnic minorities should be encouraged to adopt the dominant culture, in this the White culture, for the sake of national unity and cohesiveness. However opponents of the idea of assimilation foster ano ther ideology. The idea of multiculturalism is widely supported by almost all ethnic groups that argue that assimilation will put their different cultures at risk of erosion that may eventually lead to extinction. Some provisions have been made in the education system to embrace this diversity and possibly preserve the different cultures of all these communities. Schools therefore have become fundamental in trying to foster tolerance, understanding and coexistence in the society. Assimilation is commonly defined as the ideological stand that members of a different ethnic community should give up their heritage culture and adopt a more â€Å"American† way of life.... Indeed this view widely held especially amongst the White working class families who view other communities as ‘outsiders’. Recently in Europe, leaders have taken stands in support of assimilation as the best way to realize unity. German Chancellor Angel Merkel was quoted in 2010 as saying â€Å"This multicultural approach has failed, utterly failed.†British Prime Minister David Cameron also lent his support to the assimilation agenda by saying that multiculturalism should be faulted, as it is responsible for the ‘weakening of national identity’. Perhaps this issue is not as divisive and controversial in Europe as an American. The diversity of American society has elicited very many different opinions on the cultural issue with both intra and inter-groups opinions also tending to differ. Multiculturalism refers to an ideology held by some people that these small ethnic minority groups should not only be allowed to maintain their culture but also to pr omote it in the spirit of coexistence and tolerance. Multiculturalism challenges and rejects racism and other forms of discrimination in schools and society, and accepts and affirms pluralism (Micro, 1992). Supporters are adamant with the reasoning that multiculturalism promotes multicultural tolerance and conserve each group’s contribution (Glazer, Moyniham 1970 Greely 1974, Novak 1972). Those who oppose multiculturalism point to the potential that this could have on negatively diversifying the society and create language barriers. Many pundits and interested parties have moved more towards the revival of multiculturalism as they see it as not only a solution for creating

Photosynthesis In Plants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Photosynthesis In Plants - Essay Example Three leaves of the bouquet were covered by aluminum foil ensuring that the foil was blocking light from the leaves. The foil was removed from one leaf every week, photographed and observed for the three-week period.ResultsIn Figure 1, the leaves were green and healthy. Figure 2 shows leaves that had turned to light green and almost white in color. Vascular bundles were clearly visible in addition to the green spots on the leaf. The color at the center of the leaf was lighter than the periphery. Figure 3 shows leaves that are brown and dried out.DiscussionThe findings indicate that light is necessary for photosynthesis. The leaf in Figure 1 was green and healthy despite being covered by the aluminum foil because the energy in the chloroplast could still sustain photosynthesis. The leaf in Figure 2, was turning light green to indicate minimum photosynthesis was taking place. The leaf in Figure 3 had been covered for a longer period of time and the energy needed for photosynthesis was depleted. Moreover, there was no more light energy that could be absorbed for photosynthesis. This experiment shows that a low light intensity leads to a low rate of photosynthesis. This would deduce that an increased light intensity would lead to a high rate of photosynthesis at an optimum level.ConclusionIn summary, photosynthesis is essential for plants. Therefore water, temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide should be made available to ensure the survival of plants.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assimilation and Multicultural in bilingual education within the Research Paper

Assimilation and Multicultural in bilingual education within the sociopolitical context - Research Paper Example The world is fast becoming a global melting point of people from different cultural, ethical, religious and social backgrounds. Cities around the world are becoming more and more cosmopolitan as the effect of globalization, industrialization, trade; commerce and immigration are being realized. The unprecedented increase in diversity especially in the first world countries has called for tolerance and coexistence. Indeed there has been a raging debate with two contrary opinions on dealing with this issue of diversity. Some people see the assimilation of smaller ethnic groups as a way of creating uniformity and cohesiveness. This is especially an issue in the USA where diversity is perhaps the most widespread. Proponents backing this ideology of assimilation are of the view that smaller ethnic minorities should be encouraged to adopt the dominant culture, in this the White culture, for the sake of national unity and cohesiveness. However opponents of the idea of assimilation foster ano ther ideology. The idea of multiculturalism is widely supported by almost all ethnic groups that argue that assimilation will put their different cultures at risk of erosion that may eventually lead to extinction. Some provisions have been made in the education system to embrace this diversity and possibly preserve the different cultures of all these communities. Schools therefore have become fundamental in trying to foster tolerance, understanding and coexistence in the society. Assimilation is commonly defined as the ideological stand that members of a different ethnic community should give up their heritage culture and adopt a more â€Å"American† way of life.... Indeed this view widely held especially amongst the White working class families who view other communities as ‘outsiders’. Recently in Europe, leaders have taken stands in support of assimilation as the best way to realize unity. German Chancellor Angel Merkel was quoted in 2010 as saying â€Å"This multicultural approach has failed, utterly failed.†British Prime Minister David Cameron also lent his support to the assimilation agenda by saying that multiculturalism should be faulted, as it is responsible for the ‘weakening of national identity’. Perhaps this issue is not as divisive and controversial in Europe as an American. The diversity of American society has elicited very many different opinions on the cultural issue with both intra and inter-groups opinions also tending to differ. Multiculturalism refers to an ideology held by some people that these small ethnic minority groups should not only be allowed to maintain their culture but also to pr omote it in the spirit of coexistence and tolerance. Multiculturalism challenges and rejects racism and other forms of discrimination in schools and society, and accepts and affirms pluralism (Micro, 1992). Supporters are adamant with the reasoning that multiculturalism promotes multicultural tolerance and conserve each group’s contribution (Glazer, Moyniham 1970 Greely 1974, Novak 1972). Those who oppose multiculturalism point to the potential that this could have on negatively diversifying the society and create language barriers. Many pundits and interested parties have moved more towards the revival of multiculturalism as they see it as not only a solution for creating

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

ART - Essay Example The Gothic style of art was experienced from 12th to the 16th century and was mostly related to architecture. Ancient art is a term used to depict the various artifacts produced by difference cultures and the societies of the ancient periods. These forms of arts were not in written format but were in visual format such as sculptures and painting and architecture. The ancient art produced by the Egyptians was related to religion as they were very religious people and their art reflected different Gods and situations experienced by Gods. Art work produced by the Greek during ancient times mostly comprised of architecture, poetry and sculpture, they had various forms and styles of arts including Classical and Archaic styles of art. It is a myth and a common believe that Roman copied Greek art but their art was very different and much advanced than Greek art. They used their art to depict great events such as wars and victories of

Supernatural Drama Media Essay Essay Example for Free

Supernatural Drama Media Essay Essay Explore how far the Vampire Diaries/Being Human/Misfits DVD cover conforms to genre conventionsIn this essay, I will be analysing the DVD cover of the Vampire Diaries which is a television programme in the teen-supernatural hybrid drama genre. I will also be analysing the covers of Being Human and Misfits and I will compare and contrast them with the Vampire Diaries cover. The typical genre conventions of supernatural dramas are that there are supernatural beings such as ghosts. Werewolves and vampires, and ordinary setting, a trigger/event that leads to the creation of supernatural beings. Ordinary people becoming supernatural or finding out about supernatural beings, and the running theme which is good vs bad. On the front of the Vampire Diaries cover, the title is written in bold white writing. The red ribbon wrapped around the white writing could connote the red strangling the white, or rather the bad strangling the good. There is also a drop of blood that can be seen under the V. Blood is conventional of the vampire story. There is a girl in a red dress which could connote lust, blood, love and danger and she is lying in the middle of two men which could connote a love triangle. The bodies look lifeless but they are looking directly at the camera which could connote that they are the living dead. This contrasts to the drooping tree which looks like it has been drained of life which links to blood being drained. The logo on the Misfits cover is separated, and is tinged pink. The Being Human title is written in a plain, simple font. The Misfits title is the only one that uses an unconventional colour scheme. The Vampire Diaries follows the life of Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) who falls for a century old vampire Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley). Their lives grow more complicated as Stefans vicious brother Damon (Ian Somerhalder) returns to town with a vendetta against his brother. The series is set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, a town charged with supernatural history. This cover is the only one that uses conventional colours and gothic themes and the other covers, especially Misfits subvert the genre conventions. The narrative of the Vampire Diaries is very conventional of a supernatural and a teen drama. The elements are there, especially when a love triangle is introduced into the plot. Misfits is a British science-fiction drama television series based on a group of young offenders who obtain supernatural powers after a strange electric storm. The plots of Misfits and Being Human  follow a majority of the genre conventions, but some parts of the narrative completely subvert them. For instance, there is a lightning storm that leads the characters gaining supernatural powers, but they are a group of young offenders and they wouldnt usually be the kind of people to gain powers. On the back cover, there are profile images of each character which are comic-book like, which links with the idea of superheroes which is iconic, but the characters subvert the conventions of superheroes. There is a different colour behind each character which again suggest they are a team of superheroes. In Being Human all three supernatural characters share a flat together in Bristol. The darkness surrounding the characters with some light suggest they are fighting against something evil that is almost taking them in. The messy house suggests chaos and along with the simple font and location suggest the simple they want is not possible. Both programmes would be very ordinary if there was no supernatural element to it. The Vampire Diaires appeals to teenagers, as the characters in it are attractive and are supposed to be around the ages of 17 and onwards. The drama part of the series also deals with some of the social problems and worries teenagers face today. Misfits subverts genre conventions and appeals to its target audience as it contains things like sex, drugs, mystery and action which are endearing to people in this age range and uses the kind of language they would also use which makes the characters seem more realistic. All three programmes have a website where views can interact with each other and can be more involved and learn and watch more about what happens behind the scenes of the shows. The Vampire Diaries is the programme that fully follows the conventions of supernatural drama. The running theme of good vs bad, the colours used and gothic themes. There are lots of different types of supernatural beings involved. The convention of a small historic town is also used. Misfits and Being Human also subvert some of the conventions of supernatural genre. They have ordinary settings but although the narrative revolves around supernatural beings the background of it is quite normal.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Characteristics and Properties of Titanium dioxide

Characteristics and Properties of Titanium dioxide MANOJNA EDARA TITANIUM DIOXIDE   Ã‚   History: Titanium dioxide Characterization: Bright unmistakable ideology and the scope of titanium dioxide nanoparticles are as follows. The UV-Visible maintenance scope of titanium dioxide nanoparticles was sifted in the region of 200 and 700nm. The ingestion of this is most extraordinary occurs at 340nm and this is the thing that it exhibits a band opening estimation of 3.6 eV.DRS ultra violet-Visible spectrum. The DRS-UV-Visible supernatural examination of titanium dioxide nanoparticles was done in the region of in the middle of 200 and 700nm.The plot of absorbance verses wave length is can be watched. The range portrays increase in absorbance just underneath 400nm and the reason is of band hole excitation. By taking 350nm as the onset of absorbance the band gap regard was figured to be 3.5eV. The band gap regard is dependable with that of Ultra Violet Visible ingestion scope of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Sharp absorbance lines underneath 250nm are the reason due to this titanium dioxide nanoparticles and of size gener ously very littler than those fascinating around 350nm. This is the image of amorphous titanium dioxide. Structure and synthesis: For a physical approach, the metallic nanoparticles can be generally fused by evaporation condensation, which could be finished by using a tube warmer at barometrical weight. In any case, by virtue of using a tube warmer at air weight there are a couple burdens, for instance, a gigantic space of tube radiator, unfathomable use imperativeness for raising the regular temperature around the source material and an impressive measure of time for fulfilling warm robustness. In this way, unique techniques for mix of Ag nanoparticles in perspective of the physical approach have been delivered and in the combination of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, Titanium tetra isopropoxide   was utilized as an antecedent and was blended with hcl, ethanol and deionized water mixture, stirred for 60 minutes, which   pH scope of 1.5.Amount of around 10ml of deionized water was added to the above blend and it was mixed for almost 2 hours at room temperature and at last the arrangement was dried at temper ature and the powder was warmed at 120 degree for 60 minutes and the crystalline character of titanium dioxide was checked by electron diffraction. The electron diffraction configuration exhibits that the cases are made out of an a crystalline shape. Because of the example tio2: Ag diffuse rings in diffraction illustration are evident The diffraction case of the crystalline example tio2:Ag0 certifies its anatase outline .Results procured by electron diffraction relate with the Xray diffraction comes to fruition and the x beam diffraction of the shapeless and crystalline titanium dioxide doped with silver (tio2:Ag0 and TiO2a:Ag0) a. All appearance in the diffraction cases of titanium dioxide were recognized as they are having a place with anatase and in the case of the vague titanium dioxide, no reflections are viewed. In any case, practically identical as in, there are no obvious apexes exhibiting the closeness of silver in the xray diffraction of the silver doped titania tests. It probably comes to fruition due to minimal size of silver nanoparticles which are under 5nm and its low substance which is underneath 2 percent and conversely with Chao et al. titanium dioxide powder calcined starting at now at 400 °C is especially cemented. The mass touchy X-beam diffraction examples were made to brought with Philips XPer diffractometer at a room temperature utilizing monochromatic excitation and the estimations were taken under pillar increasing speed conditions and even though the surface delicate X-beam photoelectron spectroscopy estimations were performed under ultra-high vacuum condition and in a frame work that shows a base weight. Keeping in mind the final result to concentrate the synthetic condition of titanium and oxygen in the nanoparticles we utilized a standard non-monochromatized X-beam source and a VG Clam 4 electron spectrometer. The spectra were redressed for X-beam satellites and optional electron foundation preceding examination. Filtering elect ron microscopy pictures of similar examples were recorded with a LED magnifying lens utilizing an electron bar vitality of 15 keV and a shaft current of 2.62 A. This is the x- ray diffraction pattern of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Properties: The physicochemical properties of nanoparticles decide both their destiny in the earth and their valuable and destructive impacts. Despite the fact that the span of the nanoparticles can be the most recognizing property when contrasted with ordinary particles, other special physical and compound properties start to rise as particles approach the nanoscale extend. Therefore, Auffan propose that under a basic size, it is unrealistic to just scale the properties of mass materials in view of the surface range to anticipate the properties of nanoparticles. Different researchers concur that albeit some material properties, similar to substance creation and gem structure, are the same on the nanoscale as in the mass stage, different properties vary †¦ a nanoparticle holds properties of both materials in the mass stage and sub-atomic forerunners. Undoubtedly a few reviews bolster these affirmations and in any case, different analysts have found that inspite of the way that the physicoch emical properties contrast, the impacts of nano silver can be like those delivered by traditional ionic silver. These varying discoveries drove the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel to infer that comparison of physicochemical properties of the nano mass materials are required. Exactly which physiochemical properties of designed nanoparticles, including nano Ag, can be helpful for foreseeing their conduct and collaborations in nature is indistinct. A few associations and autonomous scientists have distributed proposals on the physicochemical portrayal information that ought to go with research discoveries on transport, change, and destiny forms and biological and human poisonous quality. These suggestions depend on a combination of distributed, companion surveyed ponders on the conduct and impacts of nanoparticles, however the prescribed properties fluctuate by association and scientist. A portion of the suggestions with respect to portraya l some time recently, amid, and after danger studies are further depicted in Section 6.1.1. All in all, the most endorsed physicochemical properties include:   Ã‚   †¢ Size, including bunching inclinations. †¢ Morphology, including shape and precious stone structure. †¢ Surface range; †¢ Chemical piece; †¢ Surface science and reactivity; †¢ Solubility; and †¢ Conductive, attractive, and optical properties. Advantages: The ability to rot a broad assortment of possible characteristic toxic substances and NOx gasses consolidated with an especially adaptable era handle that engages the control over titanium dioxide nanoparticle pearl structure, atom size and crystallinity which gives   the variable courses of action as tailorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ made materials for a given issue or application our customers may experience thus far our titanium dioxide photograph impetuses have been adequately striven for the going with applications: these are for various improvement materials like strong, strong tiles, stoneware tiles, housetop tiles, as an additional substance or as a thin layer. The last improvement materials show a high photocatalytic affect, which enables normal toxin departure and NOx gas removal for various responses for the remediation of polluted air made by warm power stations and significant movement for remediation of mechanical waste water defiled by specific common fragments seeks hydrophilic and photo catalytically dynamic thin layers on various substrates like glass easy-to-clean surfaces. Titanium dioxide in arrangement or suspension can be utilized to sever protein that contains the amino corrosive proline at the site where proline is available. Because of the critical ionic and electronic conduction of Titanium dioxide, it is intense to be utilized as the blended conductor. Disadvantages: This can experience a substance response in sunlight and research uncovered that titanium dioxide got from rutile which is a reddish brown colored mineral which had titanium dioxide and was less hurtful than titanium dioxide got from anatase which is used as pigments in paints, the same as covered titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide is to a great degree viable in reflecting light, making it a breathtaking white color. This is normally extremely helpful on the off chance that you need to make a splendid white toothpaste. Having reflecting properties its great light make it viable as a sun filter. The blend of daylight, water and titanium in nano-frame makes hydroxyl radicals and these assault the covering of the rooftop. This outcomes in quickly maturing rooftops which ought to keep going for a considerable length of time. Uses: The capacity to break down an extensive variety of conceivable natural poisons and NOx gasses combined with an exceedingly adaptable creation which   prepares that empowers the control over Titanium dioxide nanoparticle precious stone structure, molecule size and crystallinity that gives the variable arrangements as tailorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ made materials for a given issue or application our clients may experience. Titanium dioxide photo catalysts have been effectively tried for the accompanying applications: For different development materials such as solid tiles, earthenware tiles, rooftop tiles in the type of an added substance or as a thin layer. The last development materials display like a high photocatalytic impact, which empowers natural poison expulsion and NOx gas evacuation for different answers for the remediation of dirtied air created by warm power stations and   unexpected overwhelming movement . for treatment of modern waste water which was   contaminated by particular natural segments for hydrophilic and photo catalytically dynamic thin layers on different substrates which were easy to clean like glass. This figure(a) shows the photo catalysts for air remediation by adding titanium dioxide nanoparticles in roof or concrete tiles. Environmental impacts: It was affirmed that the assessed titanium dioxide nanoparticles, utilized at a focus up to 25% as an UV channel in sunscreens, can be viewed as safe for people after application on a solid, in place or sunburnt skin. Marking of the restorative items may not demonstrate this focus on the bundle, but the security appraisal depends on the current logical information, which demonstrates that neither titanium dioxide in Nano frame nor in non-nano shape enters through the skin. While titanium dioxide itself is a valuable, non-poisonous compound, titanium waste is to a great degree acidic and its transfer techniques which lead to a lot of various ecological issues. For example in a case, Most beach front generation plants utilizing the sulfate procedure dump a lot of sulfuric corrosive into the North Sea. Although the soluble ocean water cushions and kills the weaken acidic waste, dumping sulfuric corrosive causes a sudden drop in the pH estimation of the getting water and decreases the ox ygen substance of the water, consequently this process leads in destroying of marine life. References: Ireland, J.C. et. al. Inactivation of Escheria coli  by Titanium Dioxide Photocatalytic Oxidation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Ireland, J.C†¦ et. al. Inactivation of Escheria coli by Titanium Dioxide Photocatalytic Oxidation. . Li SQ, Zhu RR, Zhu H..,, Xue M, Sun XY, et al†¦. Nanotoxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles to erythrocyte in vitro. Food Chem Toxicol. 2008;46:3626-3631. Buzea C,†¦. Pacheco II, Robbie K. Nanomaterials and nanoparticles: sources and toxicity. Biointerphases. 2007;2:17-71 Zhao J, Bowman L, Zhang X, Vallyathan V, Young SH, et al†¦.. Titanium dioxide (TiO2). J Toxicol Environ Health A. Panigrahi S, Basak D. Core-she,,.,ll [emailprotected] ZnO nanorods for efficient ultraviolet photodetection. Nanoscale Yoo K-C, Yoon C-H, Kwon D, Hyun K-H, Woo,.,., SJ, et al. Titanium dioxide. Liao D, Badour C, Liao B.,.,. Preparation of nanosized TiO2/ZnO composite catalyst and J photochem photobiol A Chem Zhao.. C, Deng H, Li Y, Liu Z. Photodegradation of oxytetracycline in aqueous by 5A and 13X loaded with TiO2 under UV irradiation. ..,J Hazard Mater. Moon J, Yun CY, ..Chung K-W, Kang M-S, Yi J. Photocatalytic activation of TiO2 under visible light using Acid Red 44†¦ Catalysis Today. Zhang J, Wages M, Cox SB, Maul JD, Li Y, et al. Effect of titanium dioxide nanomaterials.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Constitutions Abroad :: essays research papers

The Constitution of the United States of America is unique in many ways. It is also has various similar qualities from the constitutions of other countries around the world. The constitutions of Switzerland, Poland, and Germany have commonalties with that of the United States’ constitution because they all talk about freedom and personal liberty, use the separation of powers as an effective way to run the government, and the elections process. Article 2 of the Swiss Constitution states that, â€Å"The Swiss Confederation protects the liberty and rights of the people and safeguards the independence and security of the country.† This article is very similar to that of the First Amendment of the United States’ Constitution. This amendment states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Freedom and basic personal liberties such as these are widely exercised in many worldly constitutions. However, this is not the only shared characteristic that the U.S. Constitution shares with those of the rest of the world. Other countries such as Poland have the effective system of the separation of powers working with them, as does the United States. We all know that the separation of powers was established so that no one specific group in the government would be able to dominate our country. This concept is very much like Poland’s way of keeping the power out of one single unit. Article 10 of the Polish Constitution states: The system of government of the Republic of Poland shall be based on the separation of and balance between the legislative, executive and judicial powers. Legislative power shall be vested in the House of Representatives and the Senate, executive power shall be vested in the President of the Republic of Poland and the Council of Ministers, and the judicial power shall be vested in courts and tribunals. Because more than one country uses this method and has been successful for quite some time, it is safe to say that this particular way of running the government is fair and effective. Other effective measures have been taken by the U.S. to ensure a smoothly operated government. Much like the Constitution of the United States, the German constitution holds the law of fair, free, and secret elections.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay on The Consequences of Sin in The Scarlet Letter -- Scarlet Lett

The Scarlet Letter:   The Consequences of Sin  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It can be concluded that the consequences of sin is the theme of Nathaniel Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne explored this theme by four distinctive levels of sin. Although each level was equally displayed throughout the novel, the communal sin of man's inhumanity to man outranked all else. The primary characters are each guilty of one or more of the following levels of sin; the sin of vengeance, the sin of hypocrisy, and the sin of adultery. In the beginning of the novel, it is revealed that Hester Prynne is guilty of adultery. One of the consequences for her sin is a prison term. Secondly, she had a child, a baby who was conceived from lust rather than love. Hester named this child Pearl, meaning of great value. Thirdly, Hester was condemned to wear the scarlet letter, upon her bosom, for all to recognize her as one who has met with the black man in the forest. Fourth, she was made to stand in public ignominy as the townsmen mocked her. Although the magistrates tried to make Hester Prynne reveal her accomplice, she kept his name unknown. As one may have guessed, from the hints given throughout the novel, Arthur Dimmesdale was also guilty of adultery. However, he did not confess his sin until it was too late. Dimmesdale continued his ministry in the church, as a hypocrite, concealing his sin. Nevertheless, his guilty conscience drove him to a manic-depressive state of mind. Dimmesdale became very ill, because the scarlet letter upon Hester's bosom seemingly burned through his chest, weakening his heart. When he realized what was happening to him, he tried to expose himself through his ... ...strates, but she was paid only a tenth of what the garments were worth. There was a tremendous difference in the town’s behavior towards Hester as compared to the way they treated Dimmesdale. The people treated Dimmesdale as a saint, even though he was guilty of hypocrisy. They also treated Chillingworth as a highly respected physician, although he was guilty of vengeance. So, when the community dwells on a person's imperfections, they too are guilty of sin, the sin of man's inhumanity to man. One may find, after having read the novel, that it's better to confess your sin rather than conceal it, although it may not be good for your reputation in the community, it's better for your soul. Throughout the novel, the characters suffered the consequences for their sins. As a result, the theme of The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, could be the consequences of sin.

Friday, October 11, 2019

My Weekend Essay

It is important for me to share with my family especially on weekends, when all rest from our daily activities, work, studies and responsibilities and so we build a strong relation with our family having fun and doing all kind of activities that involve all of us. This week end is one of my favorite ones because though my family is not as big as many of the families that I know, we do have a lot of fun specially when it comes to watching the base ball game with them, we cheer for our home town team that is doing very good and is playing for the Championship. On Sunday we woke up early had a nice breakfast and then head to church where I also meet with some of my other relatives and so I make much of that little time to catch up on what is going on in their lives and try to work out how we can spend some more quality time together sometime in the week. My father took us for lunch to a nice restaurant for a wonderful lunch, later that evening we all start to get things ready for another week. Spending time with my family is very important to me and also for them and I can say that my father spend a lot of time far from us so whenever he is on holydays we make it more special and we spend all the time we can together and so comes the end of another wonderful weekend with my folks and I am very much grateful for my loving family.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

History and development of Bengali journalism Essay

Bengal, especially Calcutta (presently Kolkata) was the cradle of journalism in India. The first newspaper of India Hickey’s Bengal Gazette was published in Kolkata in 1780. So were the first four non-English newspapers- in Bengali, Urdu, Hindi and Persian. Several language newspapers owe their birth to Kolkata in some form or the other; for example the Oriya types were manufactured in Serampore, a suburb of Kolkata. The year 1818 marks the beginning of Bengali journalism. Samachar Darpan was the first newspaper in Bengali language. It was published by Serampore Mission press on May 23, 1818. Started by missionaries Carey and Marshman, it began as a monthly, but soon converted into a weekly. It carried both Indian and foreign news. It became bilingual in 1829 carrying Bengali and English news in parallel columns. After surviving a number of crises, it closed down in 1852. Digdarshan was also published in 1818. In 1821 a remarkable Bengali journal Sambad Kaumadi was published under the patronage of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. But it did not survive for long. Sambad Pravakar was the first Bengali daily newspaper published in 1839, patronized by Iswar Chandra Gupta. It was followed by Tattobodhini, published by Akhya Kumar Dutta in 1843. The other Bengali journals during this time were Samachar Chandrika, Bangadoot, Sambad Pravakar, Vividhartha Sangrah (1851), Masik Patra (1854), and Som Prakash (1851). The first weekly within the territory of today’s Bangladesh, Rangpur Bartabaha, was published in 1847 from Rangpur and the first weekly from Dhaka, Dacca News, was published in 1856. The long lasting Dhaka Prakash was first published in 1861 and Dhaka Darpan in 1863. They early Bengali papers took up the cause of the oppressed workers in the ndigo plantation, and of the peasants. Notable among them were the Som Prakash, the Grambartha Prakashika and the Amrita Bazar Patrika (before it became an English weekly). They created problems for the government with their exposure of the exploitation of labour in plantations and on the fields, and violent denunciation of the European planters and the government. In the course of this campaign, a number of newspapers were started in villages and districts. The press and machinery used to print them were of the crudest type and the publisher and editor conducted the journals almost as family business. But despite the questionable quality of the ‘product’, it did achieve one remarkable feat: establish the credential of the newspaper as a powerful force. Bengali journalism also carried the message of Bengal renaissance. Most of them actively sought social and cultural reform. However, there were some, who opposed the reforms resulting in a social churning which is the hall mark of any renaissance. The Bengali press was a terror to the British administration and all the drastic press laws were particularly aimed against them. It had powerful editors and writers who reached out to the masses in the distant villages with their clarion call to fight against injustice, racial prejudice and maladministration. They were the earliest to demand self-Government and assail the Moderate leaders of the nationalist movement with timidity and lack of courage to demand what was the birthright of Indians. The Bengali Press suffered the most in the reprisals launched by the Government after the mutiny in 1857. Till the 80s of the nineteenth century Bengal was the hub of newspaper publication. A survey of the Indian Language Press by Sir George Campbell in 1876 showed that half of the total number of 38 newspapers was published from Kolkata. However, by end 19th century newspapers have started publishing from all across the country. End 19th century saw some remarkable newspapers coming out from Bengal. The Sulava Samachar of the Indian Reform Association was started in 1870 by Keshab Chandra Sen. It was a weekly, priced one pice per copy. It had a circulation of 3,500 copies and was the most popular weekly of the period. Another journal which was also popular was the Haishakar Patrika edited by Babu Kisari Mohan Ganguli. The first newspaper to espouse the cause of the working class, Bharat Sharmajibi, was started as a weekly at about this time. The first Bengali daily to adopt modern methods of production was the Basumati (1880) which was edited by Krishna Kamal Bhattacharya. Surendranath Banerejee published Bengalee. The editor of Bengalee faced contempt of court proceedings and imprisonment when it voiced public indignation in 1883 against a High Court Judge who ordered Hindu idols to be produced in court as evidence. The paper which became a daily in 1900 was the first language paper to subscribe to Reuter’s foreign news service. Through the Bande Mataram, another important newspaper of this period Aurobindo Ghosh proclaimed his philosophy and the â€Å"new Path† which meant passive resistance as an instrument of political action. An associate of the Bengalee was the Nayak (1908), published by Panch Cowrie Bannerjee. In 1922 came the Ananda Bazar Patrika, started by Mrinal Kanti Ghosh, Prafulla Kumar Sarkar and Suresh Chandra Majumdar. Together with its English counterpart, Hindustan Standard, it played a glorious role in the freedom movement. Another daily Jugantar, was started in 1937 by the management of the Amrita Bazar Patrika. After Gandhi took over the leadership of the national movement, the Bangalee and Nayak which were the organs of the Moderates, lost ground rapidly in spite of official support because of the tremendous pressure exerted by C. R. Das who was the undisputed Congress leader in Bengal. Post Independence Bengali papers suffered after the partition in 1947 because they lost a good slice of their readers in the new East Pakistan, which in 1971 became a new independent country: Bangladesh. Notable newspapers started in the first two decades after the independence included Loksevak (1948) and Jansevak owned by the Congress leader, Atulay Ghosh. Among the doyen of Bengali journalism, mention must be made of Chapala Kanta Bhattacharya, who was the editor of the Ananda Bazar Patrika and was president of the All-India Newspaper Editors Conference and Hemandra Prasad Ghosh, who started the Basumati in 1914. Hemendra Prasad Ghosh was a member of the Editors’ delegation which visited the war front in 1918. He had the distinction of being a pioneer in establishing an exclusive news services for his paper. Vivekananada Mukherjee was one of the greatest newspaper editors of Bengal. Under him Jugantar scaled great heights. The Bengali press today is the third largest numerical group after Hindi and English. There were 1662 newspapers in 1984 as against 1583 in 1983. Of them 52 are dailies and 433 weeklies. By 2007-8 the total number of number grew to 3244 as per RNI, of which 125 were dailies. As per the Indian Readership Survey Q2 for the year 2011 results the five most read Bengali newspapers were: Anand Bazar Patrika1 (Redership: 59. 2 lakh), Bartaman2 (29. 63 lakh), Sangbad Pratidin3 (9. 58 lakh), Ganashakti4 (7. 9 lakh) and Aajkal5 (6. 28 lakh) Calcutta was the second place in India to have a radio station after Bombay. In British India, broadcasting started in June 1923 with programmes by the Radio Club of Bombay, followed by other radio clubs. Then, by an agreement of 1926 the private Indian Broadcasting Company (IBC) was granted permission to operate two radio stations; the Bombay station was inaugurated on 23 July 1927, the Calcutta station followed on 26 August 1927. Calcutta had its first Television station (named Doordarshan) in 1975. In June, 1984, Calcutta Doordarshan entered the world of colour transmission. By mid 2011 there were over 15 stations of All India Radio in West Bengal. There were over 20 private radio stations in West Bengal including Radio Mirchi, Radio One, Red FM (Kolkata, Asansol and Siliguri), Big, Friends, Power, Aamar, Fever, Radio Meow, Radio Misty, High and Nine (Siligudi). There were three campus radio stations in SRFTI, Jadavpur University and Netaji Subhas Open Univeristy.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Brief Outline of American Politics Assignment - 1

A Brief Outline of American Politics - Assignment Example It is considered that the speed of striding indicates the power of a person, and more speed means a person is powerful and physically fit. There is, however, a difference in the manner of walking by both the politicians. While walking, Vladimir moves his shoulders back and forth. He exudes energy while walking and makes strong gestures, all of which indicates that he has animal power and is extremely active and strong. On the other hand, Bush portrays himself as having the traditional American power. While walking, he does not make any significant movements of the shoulder. He appears to be calm and controlled which indicates that he does not waste his energy without reason. Bill Clinton has a rather charming personality which becomes apparent when he is communicating with ladies. This is reflected in the manner he smiles while speaking, and his voice is friendly and passionate. II. Karl Rove is the political advisor of Republican candidates and is regarded as a strong strategist. His major agenda is to attack the strong points of the opponents and make them seem like their weak points. For instance, there was the Republican presidential nominee John McCain in the 2008 United States presidential election. He had the reputation of being a war held and prisoner of war. As part of Karl Rove’s strategy, the supporters of George W. Bush in South Carolina created doubts that the years of torture by the Vietnamese may have mentally affected John McCain. In this way, Karl Rove undermined McCain’s glorification of being a war prisoner by alleging him as mentally incompetent (Slater, 2012). As part of 2006 presidential campaign of George W. Bush, Karl Rove has taken the advantage of immigrants for political gain. His strategy was to focus on anti-immigration policies to divert the attention from failed leadership. It was part of Rove’s divide and distract strategy within the Republican Party. He worked towards making the compromise on the issue of immigration in order to comply with the demands of congressional Republicans.Â